* Date : This is the date when the lotto was drawn.
* #1 to #6 : This represents numbers from the lottery drawn.
* S1, S2 : This represents supplement numbers.
* Even/Odd : This displays even and odd number occurrences from the lottery drawn - #1 to #6
* Low/High : This displays Low and High number count, where Low number ranges from 1 – 23
and High number ranges from 24 – 45
* Sum : This displays sum of a drawn result - #1 to #6
* Download CSV : At a time you can download CSV files for the last 12 draws. For more past results use the home tab bottom pagination. We publish CSV files with the information present on home tab.
* Language : This dropdown will provide you with the list of languages. You can select the language and visualise the draw based on it.
Use this colour guide to help you with the number selection process
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* Colour Setting : The color setting property allows the color to be hidden or shown.